Tilt Qwidget ?
i want the Qwidget to draw in this shape can any one help me out.. http://postimg.org/image/696j2modz/
Use QGraphicsView or QPainter, unless you want the widget itself to be that shape: this is not supported.
i am using Qpainter can u help me out how to paint that ....
actually Draw rect will draw my widget accorfing to it .. but i want my widget to change or u can say tilt.. in previous image that blue part is Widget not Drawing... how to chnage its gemetory.
To quote myself:
[...] you want the widget itself to be that shape: this is not supported.
This is something for Window Compositor to worry about, Qt has no power there.
see this image for refernce i have a custom Qwidget As line i wana tilt it.. to certain postion or move my X2,y2 to certain postion but my paint remain Fixed http://postimg.org/image/86aii23ul/
Do I have to repeat myself for the third time? The window manager expects the window to be a rectangular, untilted. There is no getting around it in Qt.
From what you say, it seems to me you should consider using QGraphicsView or QPainter to paint your scene inside a "main" widget that will remain rectangular. But I don't know your exact requirement.
Have a look at QtQuick. As long as you don't need to tilt a whole window than QtQuick fits your needs.