MouseArea moves under cursor position
Stays that
Warning: This property is not updated if the area moves under the mouse: containsMouse will not change.I faced this problem with following code:
-------------- DemoView.qml --------------
import QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle { width: 150 height: 150 color: "gray" ListModel { id: lmodel ListElement { name: "Sample Value 1" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 2" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 3" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 4" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 5" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 6" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 7" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 8" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value 9" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value10" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value11" } ListElement { name: "Sample Value12" } } Text { id: underCursorText height: 30 width: parent.width anchors.left: parent.left text: "under cursor: " + lv.currentlyUnderCursor } ListView { underCursorText.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right property string currentlyUnderCursor : "" id: lv clip: true model: lmodel delegate: Rectangle { height: 30 width: 140 color: "white" Text { anchors.fill: parent text: name color: "red" } MouseArea { propagateComposedEvents: true anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onContainsMouseChanged: lv.currentlyUnderCursor = containsMouse ? name : "" } } } }
-------------- DemoView.qml --------------
run with following command line:
C:\Qt\Qt5.4.0\5.4\msvc2013\bin\qmlviewer.exe DemoView.qml
When you are not moving mouse cursor, just scrolls listview content with wheel, MouseArea does not see any mouse events.
How to deal with that?
Thanks -
@maxsivkov That is how it was designed. IMO there must be no other way.
What is the actual scenario where you require this ? May be there would be some workaround for it. -
@p3c0 said:
@maxsivkov That is how it was designed. IMO there must be no other way.
What is the actual scenario where you require this ? May be there would be some workaround for it.Thanks for reply.
Scenario is to have several elements (images with attached mouseareas (to change image source when mouse is inside the image)
and also show hints (tooltips) for listview's item.
To show tooltip my idea was to sit on a onPositionChanged event and restart timer, stop it in onExited event. -
Scenario is to have several elements (images with attached mouseareas (to change image source when mouse is inside the image)
and also show hints (tooltips) for listview's item.So its better no to do it when the ListView scrolls and only when user hovers mouse over that particular Item
To show tooltip my idea was to sit on a onPositionChanged event and restart timer, stop it in onExited event.
I think better to use onEntered and onExited. Using onPositionChanged will continuously restart it as mouse moves. Also hide it after a particular timeout instead of only in onExited.