How to change background color of balloon message for QSystemTrayIcon
How can I apply stylesheet rules to the balloon message that is displayed using the QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage() function? My main goal is to simply change the background color but I'd also like to be able to modify the border and font and use a custom image for the close button.
QSystemTrayIcon::message {
background:rgb(85, 84, 120);
border:1px solid rgb(79, 79, 79);
color:rgb(0, 0, 0);
image: url(:/images/close-button.png);
@[edit: code highlighted / Denis Kormalev]
I doubt the ballon message is stylable at all.
On Windows system function Shell_NotifyIcon() is used
On Mac OS X "growl": (a 3rdparty framework) is used
Only on Linux and WinCE the balloon seems to be drawn by Qt itself. -
The application I'm developing will only be used on Linux so it won't matter if it's not cross-platform compatible. I've looked at the source of the QBalloonTip class and it appears that the background is set with the code below.
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xe1));
pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::black);
@How can I replace the QBalloonTip constructor with my own code? I've tried to reimplement the QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage function but to do so I would also need to reimplement QSystemTrayIconPrivate::showMessage_sys and QBalloonTip::showBalloon. Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this.