QProcess start netsh command with quotes and spaces in parameter argument question.
I want to set my network interface adapter on windows to static/dhcp with the netsh command via QProcess.
The command should be:
netsh interface ipv4 set address "USB-Ethernet Adapter" dhcp
This command is working when I execute it from the windows command line. However I want to execute this
command in a Qt application via QProcess.I read already various threads about this issue but I never reached a successful result. see
From this documentation I should use """"USB-Ethernet Adapter"""",
triple " to expand to ", the 4th one because a space in the parameter.
Here is my different code I use to set dhcp://----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setDhcp() { QStringList args; QProcess proc; args.clear(); args << "interface" << "ipv4" << "set" << "address"; // args << "\"" + nwAdapter + "\""; args << "\"\"\"\"" + nwAdapter + "\"\"\"\""; args << "dhcp"; // proc.start( "netsh", args ); // proc.waitForFinished(); int exitCode = 0; // exitCode = QProcess::execute("netsh", args ); QString cmd = "netsh " + args.join(" "); qCDebug(DBG) << "cmd=" << cmd << "exitCode=" << exitCode; // exitCode = QProcess::execute( cmd ); proc.start( cmd ); proc.waitForFinished(); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The result of printing cmd is:
cmd= "netsh interface ipv4 set address """"USB-Ethernet Adapter"""" dhcp" exitCode= 0
Is there anybody who has a clue to this problem?
currently i stick the the "system(cmd)';" solution which is working, but than annoying
windows popups occur.Thanks in advance for your info.
Kind regards, -
Since no one is replying, there is possibly no qt solution. FYI, I solved my problem with old school
windows api, see code below (the netshName contains spaces):cmd = QString("netsh interface ipv4 set address name=\"%1\" static"). arg(this->networkAdapter()->netshName()); cmd += " 1"; ExecuteNetsh( cmd.toStdString().c_str() );
static void ExecuteNetsh(const char* strCmd ) { char strPath[1024]; STARTUPINFOA startinfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION process; DWORD dwRes; //fill start-info GetStartupInfoA(&startinfo); startinfo.cb = sizeof (startinfo); startinfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startinfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; //get netsh-path GetSystemDirectoryA(strPath, 1024); strcat( strPath, "\\netsh.exe" ); //start netsh if (!CreateProcessA(strPath, (LPSTR)strCmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startinfo, &process)) { qCDebug(DBG) << QString("Error while trying to execute %1 %2").arg(strPath).arg(strCmd); return; } //wait until finished WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess, INFINITE); //check exit-code GetExitCodeProcess(process.hProcess, &dwRes); if(dwRes != 0) qCCritical(DBG) << QString( "GetExitCodeProcess error %1\n\tcmd=%2"). arg( GetLastError() ). arg( strCmd ); //close handles CloseHandle(process.hThread); CloseHandle(process.hProcess); }
Kind regards,
Teun Grinwis -
Here's an example that will print info on all available interfaces:
QString command("netsh interface ipv4 show addresses \"%1\""); auto infs = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces(); for(auto inf : infs) { QProcess proc; proc.start(command.arg(inf.humanReadableName())); proc.waitForFinished(); qDebug() << proc.readAll(); }
You can adjust it to fit your needs.