Can't set QAudioProbe source with QMediaPlayer.
It always is false. I honestly have no clue why it isn't working. Tried casting the player to QMediaObject, but that didn't work. Tried setting the sound file before setSource, that didn't work either. Any ideas?
@ QPointer<QMediaPlayer> sound;
QPointer<QAudioProbe> probe;@cpp:
@ sound = new QMediaPlayer(this);
probe = new QAudioProbe(this);
if (probe->setSource(sound)) {
connect(probe, SIGNAL(audioBufferProbed(QAudioBuffer)),
this, SLOT(buf_callback(QAudioBuffer)));
}@ -
Ok will somebody add that Qt on Mac doesn't FUCKING support this
I will do some checks according to that sourcecode "that sourcecode": , to see exactly where is the problem in QMediaPlayer
Don't waste your time, Qt Multimedia is not cross-plateform and has never been so. It also seems abandoned so use libAV and PortAudio or something of the likes.