QTableView row remove
I created a table view like this :http://i62.tinypic.com/4r6mb8.png
I have a create button to create new rows and as you can see I defined a button for each row to delete that row by this code :
@int i = 0;
QPushButton *viewButton;
QStandardItemModel *model;
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
model->appendRow(new QStandardItem(QString("")));
viewButton = new QPushButton();
viewButton->setText("Delete " + QString::number(i));
ui->tableView->setIndexWidget(model->index(i , 7), viewButton);
connect(viewButton , SIGNAL(clicked()) , this , SLOT(button_clicked()));
}@and I created a slot for each button clicked for remove a row :
@void MainWindow::button_clicked()
// by this line I can get the sender of signal
QPushButton *pb = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(QObject::sender());
}@as you can see I know witch button sends signal and now I need to delete that row.
here is my question :
how can I get the row of sender button in table view to remove that row?
I searched everywere and I didn't realise how to get the row and column of an item.thanks in advices
Problem is that you have a widget (not an item) which knows nothing about table.
If I needed to delete rows I usually delete selected rows and never added buttons to table itself. Selection is easy to obtain.If you insist on your design you may check if
currentChanged ( const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous )
is emitted when you click your push button.
If yes the current index will tell you row to delete - just remember it and use in
your button_clicked slot.If not the only way I see is to iterate over each row in button_clicked and compare pb pointer with of the widget at that specific row.
It is not at least efficient.Hope this helps.