I18n how to?
I'm driving mad in i18n with Pyside. I followed some tutorials but have some problem in tranlsating some QmessageBox dialog and some other parts of the project.
There is a manner to put most the strings in external py file and import it in the app and translating all the hard to translate string here.
as example if i do
import messages ad MS
and refer to them as MS.msg001 in the code so i have i translated as simple string in the messages.py file?
Thanks to all
Carlo D.
I believe that you could create QTranslate() strings and use them after.
Did you take a look to the format function?
myBestMessage = QtGui.QApplication.translate("TestSoft", "This is my secret: <br>{0}<br>Do you like it?", None)When you use it make something like:
mySecret = "1234ABCDE...."
myResult = myBestMessage.format(mySecret)
Remember that translations should hardcoded (that's what I thing I've heard of). -
Many Thanks, I've solved putting them in the init part of the class so they are translated properly and refer to these messages in a derived QMessageBox, some QmessageBox fails About seems to work but Question (i didn't remember well fails to translate properly the messages).
@ self.toolcyl = self.tr("Cylindrical") self.toolsph = self.tr("Spherical (Ball)") self.tooltor = self.tr("Toroidal (Bull)") self.toolcon = self.tr("Conical") glb.shape[0] = self.toolcyl glb.shape[1] = self.toolsph glb.shape[2] = self.tooltor glb.shape[3] = self.toolcon # End of the tool shapes definition # ###################################################################### EC_L.readTooltable(self) EC_UA.populateUI(self) ###################################################################### # # Translatable string goes here i didn't find a method to make it # work flawlessy in some QMessageBox # ###################################################################### # Exit Dialog self.msg_01t = self.tr("<b>Exit Dialog</b>") self.msg_01m = self.tr("Are You sure you want to exit?") # About EuroCAM Box self.msg_02t = self.tr("About ") self.msg_02m = self.tr("<b>SomeProgram</b> is a program. <br> \ <br> It generates some output to help you in \ figuring out the life, the universe and all other things.") # @
I'm using them in the About widget without too many problem like this:
@QMessageBox.about(self,self.msg_02t,self.msg_02m) @
For the others MessageBox i have written a def like this:
def closeEvent(self, event):
msgBox = QMessageBox()
msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel)
ret = msgBox.exec_()
if ret == QMessageBox.Yes:
# Do Something
elif ret == QMessageBox.Cancel:
event.ignore()@In this manner it works as expected and if you note in the first lines of the examples i have translate some messages that are referenced in another module of the program. After struggling with this behavior I have found this solution that isn't too bad and not too unelegant, but the readability of the code suffers a little.
Carlo D.