QFileDialog returns "C:\...\... that refers to a location is not available"
QFileDialog returns "C:\Users\Dar¡o That Refers to a location is not available"**
I can not find a way to correct this message, the code is this:
@QString file = QFileDialog :: GetOpenFileName (this,
tr ("Abrir un archivo"),
QDir::HomePath ()
tr ("Todos los archivos (.)"));@the QDir::HomePath() output is "C:\Users\Darío" (Darío with emphasis on i)
the project.pro file has
CODECFORSRC = UTF-8@the system is Windows 7, language is Spanish
Thank you very much,
You need to check the home path setting:
qDebug() << QDir::homePath();
If it is wrong you can find under "QDir::homePath":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdir.html#homePath the conditions applied to find the homePath. This may lead you to a wrong setting in your OS. -
[quote author="Francknos" date="1424162077"]Have you make
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QDir>
[/quote]yes, I included those files
[quote author="koahnig" date="1424164007"]You need to check the home path setting:
qDebug() << QDir::homePath();
If it is wrong you can find under "QDir::homePath":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdir.html#homePath the conditions applied to find the homePath. This may lead you to a wrong setting in your OS.
HOMEPATH=\Users\Darío@look at this picture:
the problem is trying to open the desktop
thank you very much,
The question is if there is the folder "C:/Users/Dario/Desktop" available?
This could be named different because of Spanish version. However, I really doubt that this is the origin of the problem.
Another thing may be your first name. The fourth letter does not look in the screen shots like a plain ASCII 'i'. It looks like a special Spanish character. IMHO that might be the cause.
"QLocale":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlocale.html may be of help. Unfortunately, I have not used QLocale before.