Handling and ignoring events
I have such code:@StackView {
z: -1
id: contentView
anchors.fill: parent
initialItem: "my.qml"
}MouseArea { id: slideDetector signal slided(int direction) // -1 left; 1 - right z: 100 anchors.fill: parent property int xCord : 0 property int slideSize: parent.width / 5 onPressed: { xCord = mouse.x console.log("onPressed: x: ", xCord)
// mouse.accepted = false
onReleased: {
var result = mouse.x - xCord
console.log("onReleased: x: ", mouse.x)
if (result >= slideSize) {
mouse.accepted = false
}onSlided: { console.log("======= Detect sliding: ", direction) } }@
currently, this code can detect slideing, but elements at the StackView isn't active.
but if i uncomment "mouse.accepted = false" signal reseased not emmite, but elements in StackView - is active.so, how can i mix this variant for expected results: StackView elements is active and sliding can be detected?
tnx a lot 4 answers
May be "propagateComposedEvents":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-mousearea.html#propagateComposedEvents-prop would work here.
tnx p3c0,
unfortunately this is not help :(
@StackView {
id: contentView
anchors.fill: parent
initialItem: "my.qml"MouseArea { propagateComposedEvents: true id: slideDetector signal slided(int direction) // -1 left; 1 - right anchors.fill: parent property int xCord : 0 property int slideSize: parent.width / 5 onPressed: { xCord = mouse.x console.log("onPressed: x: ", xCord) controlPanel.Mous mouse.accepted = true } onReleased: { var result = mouse.x - xCord console.log("onReleased: x: ", mouse.x) if (Math.abs(result) >= slideSize) { var resultValue = -1 if (result > 0) { resultValue = 1 } slideDetector.slided(resultValue) } mouse.accepted = false } onSlided: { console.log("======= Detect sliding: ", direction) } } }@
When i put MouseArea inside StackView, onPressed isn't invoke :(
No. Keep it outside. Try following:
Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 400StackView { id: stack initialItem: view Component { id: view MouseArea { Text { text: stack.depth anchors.centerIn: parent } onClicked: stack.push(view) } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent propagateComposedEvents: true onPressed: console.log("press") onReleased: console.log("rel") }
@ -
wow, almost work correct :)
currently pressing is detected correct. but...
at the view i have some elements like ListView, InputField etc.
the items which contains MouseArea (i manual descrybe it at the my qml file) - pressing work correct, but standard elements isn't works. I saw them, but when i press to this element's they aren't activate... :(( -
Ok. Which standard elements don't work ? An example would be helpful. You can modify the example that I posted since its a minimal one.
for example scrolling at the ListView....
how i understand from documentation, if use propagateComposedEvents then to the child mouceArea will be send only "clicked, doubleClicked and pressAndHold". How i understand scrolling will be work, if will be work event handlers on pressed and released... IMO this is not exactly what i need. BTW, currently i saw unexpected (for me perssonlay) behavior: when i press mouse at some plase in MouseArea, and then change cursore possition to some child element (for example to some ListView element, which contains other MouseArea) and then release mouse button, behavior will be same as i click to the child element. Don't know, this is bug or feature, but IMO this is little bit unexpacted :) -
Sorry to say but I didn't quite understand what you want to say in the above post.
ok, try to rephrase...
Currently i have a StackView, which contains some element, for example ListView, this ListView contains other element let it name: "ListViewElements". At the ListViewElements i have an other MouseArea, let it name: "ListViewElementMouseArea".
Currently, i do like you say in http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/52932/#219702
Sliding detection - work correct.
But scrolling at the ListView stop to work.
And one more, when i press Mouse btn at the some StackView area, then hover cursor to the some ListViewElement and after that release mouse btn. i handle click() signal at the ListViewElementMouseArea.
that's all...
how i understand from the link: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-mousearea.html#propagateComposedEvents-prop
if propagateComposedEvents == true then child MouseArea will be receive only click(), doubleClick and pressAndHold signals/events. i think this is a reason, why scrolling isn't work.
Maybe have some variants how to allow receive press and relase signals in child MouseAreas?
It propagates the wheel too. Modified the above example
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 400StackView { id: stack initialItem: view Component { id: view MouseArea { ListModel { id: model } ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: model delegate: Text { text: name } } Component.onCompleted: { for(var a=0;a<50;a++) { model.append( { "name":a } ) } } onClicked: console.log("inner clicked") } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent propagateComposedEvents: true onPressed: { console.log("outer press") } onReleased: { console.log("outer released") } }
@It detects press,release and also the ListView scrolls.