[Solved] error while inserting row in table (QSql)
Hello everyone,
I am getting error while trying to insert row into table.
Code for creating table :
QSqlDatabase mydb = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
QSqlQuery qry(mydb);
QString qryStr = "create table if not exists downloadList(id integer, filename varchar)";
qDebug() << "Unable to create table!";
qDebug() << qry.lastError();
qDebug() << "Table successfully created";
Output : Table Successfully created
But while inserting row,
Code For Inserting row in table:
QSqlQuery qry(mydb);
QString qryStr = "insert into downloadList (id, filename) values (:id, :filename)";
qry.bindValue(":id", 1);
qry.bindValue(":filename", "foo");
qDebug() << "Unable to insert row in table!";
qDebug() << qry.lastError();
Unable to insert row in table!
QSqlError("", "Parameter count mismatch", "")Parameter count is correct then why I am getting this error? :/
Ashish Bansal -
Am I really doing some very silly mistake?
Anyone with any suggestion or something which can help me in debugging it? -
Ah, after several hours of banging head with wall, It finally got solved!
My mistake was that I was passing parameter to QSqlQuery.
I don't have to pass string parameter to QSqlQuery::exec after preparing query using QSqlQuery::prepare.