QtCreator 2.0. Problems with Debugging Helper for Gdb
Recenly I moved to the newly released version of QtCretor 2.0. But now I am having problems setting debugging helper for Gdb debugger (MinGw). I downloaded and installed "qt-sdk-win-opensource-2010.04" that already comes with own MinGW and Gdb.
When I try to debug something I get message saying "Debugging helper missing. The debugger could not load the debugging helper library. The debugging helper library was not found at . ".
"QtCreator screenshot 1":http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/1SJLeo8u4S4Zjw_kJx0CFA?feat=directlink
If I go to Options=>Qt4, where all Qt versions are listed, I can't find button "Debugging helepr: REBUILD" when MinGW version of Qt4 is selected. But this button is available in Visual Studio version of QT.
"QtCreator screenshot 2":http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/M6GkDWQHoFYXbbVc4AU6UQ?feat=directlink
What could be the problem? Thanks indeed.
Ok, I'll answer this question myself :) because luckily I found answer myself. My problem was that during SDK installation bad path to GDB was chosen. Maybe because older SDK version was available at the moment of installation. GDB path pointed to "...\2010.02\mingw\bin\gdb.exe". I corrected this manually to ".../2010.04/mingw/bin/gdb.exe" ... and that was my mistake. It seems that from QtCreator 2.0 it expects GDB to support python and doesn't support old style of helper. From now on it uses python based debugging helper that is made from python scripts. Correct path to GDB should be "...\Qt\2010.04\pythongdb\gdb-i686-pc-mingw32.exe". Folder "pythongdb" also contains scripts for python based helper.
More abaout GDB and python:
http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2010/04/22/peek-and-poke-vol-3/It would be nice to have QtCreator GUI saying that python based helper is available (in Tools=>Qt4), because now you get a little confused about this (if you haven't found it yourself).
Thanks for this post! I passed one hour to resolve this issue!
[quote author="Algirdasss" date="1281513237"]
It would be nice to have QtCreator GUI saying that python based helper is available (in Tools=>Qt4), because now you get a little confused about this (if you haven't found it yourself).
[/quote]Yes, the message create a lot of confusion!
Having python already installed on your system can cause the same problem.
So simply unset or set your PYTHONPATH to %QTDIR%/2010.05/pythongdb/python2.5 in the project options.
Satmosc: Just "file a bugreport":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/... stuff reported here tends to get lost, especially when it is appended to a random thread.
Hello, just found that the solution to get STL containers debug is simply to download gdb from here
http://origin.releases.qt-project.org/gdb/ and get qtcreator (2.6 in my case) to point to it in kit settings.