2D Spectrogram with FFTW and QT.
I am developing an application for audio processing in real time.
I used the FFTW library to build a NxM matrix representing the spectrogram of the recorded signal.
My idea now is to represent graphically the spectrogram . At first I tried it with QWT but is too slow and I need to make the process faster as it is in real time.
Another solution has been to use a QImage object.
@ imageToShow(width, high, QImage::Format_Indexed8)@
I implemented a method :
@int MatrixPlotter::DefineDataToPlot(int width, int high,std::vector< std::vector<unsigned int> > data){
if(this->width!=width || this->high!=high){
return ERROR;
for(int i=0;i<this->width;i++){
for(int j=0;j<this->high;j++){
return READY;
}@For each pixel of the image I assign a value of NxM matrix. To do this previously , I make a change to the " double" values NxM matrix on a scale from 0-255 (unsigned int) .
The system works well but I have a problem and it is relatively slow. If the FFT size is very large tends to introduce delays .
I thought implement it using the OpenGL library. I need help to learn how to do it.
Does anyone could advise a more efficient method? Are there any alternatives for implementation?
My level of English is limited. I hope I have expressed myself correctly. Thank you very much.
When going with Qwt image composition from data on my box ( i5 qudcore ) takes about ~50ms ( ~ 1800x1000 pixels ).
But iterating about a widget of 1000x1000 pixels is always something that takes some time.Concerning your loop: using setPixel() is slow as you recalculate the position in the buffer for each pixel ( a million times ). Better use a ptr iterating over each scan line ( or use Qwt that does this all + multithreaded for you ).
[quote author="uwer" date="1422975543"]When going with Qwt image composition from data on my box ( i5 qudcore ) takes about ~50ms ( ~ 1800x1000 pixels ).
But iterating about a widget of 1000x1000 pixels is always something that takes some time.Concerning your loop: using setPixel() is slow as you recalculate the position in the buffer for each pixel ( a million times ). Better use a ptr iterating over each scan line ( or use Qwt that does this all + multithreaded for you ).
I work with images of a 500x80 or 500x200 size , a very small size. When implemented in QWT takes about 3 s . I guess I have not implemented correctly .
How did you implemented ? Could you share the code ?
Thank you very much for responding.