Example of textured cube (Qt, OpenGL ES, Blender, Assimp, diffuse lighting)
It my usefull example for you :)
I created the textured cube by Qt, OpenGL ES, Blender, Assimp with diffuse lighting
You can rotate it by mouse and scale it by wheel
Source: [url]https://github.com/8Observer8/TexturedCubeWithLightingFromBlender[/url]
[url=https://yadi.sk/d/CGmq-fgceDvsw]Application for Win7[/url]
- [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqnhYAYtcY]Assimp[/url]
- [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpyjqaiE0HI]Blender[/url]
- C:\Qt\Qt5.4.0\Examples\Qt-5.4\opengl\qopenglwidget
- C:\Qt\Qt5.4.0\Examples\Qt-5.4\opengl\hellogl2
How to improve the code?
Hi, I am trying to run your code but it is always crashing everytime I run it. Do you have any idea why this could happen? I didn't get any errors as well.