Drag and Drop between two different QQuickWidgets
Hi All,
I do have two QQuickWidgets created from two different QML files.
What's the best approach to do drag and drop between the two ?Am I forced to create a single QML file ?
Thanks a lot for all the help,
AFAIK, both approaches are possible and it completely depends upon the requirement of your project.
Hi there a thank you very much for your reply.
Would it be possible to point me in the right direction to check out examples of both approaches ?Thank you very much for your help,
Kind regards,
If you have Qt installed you can find it under Examples folder
For eg on my systems its <Qt Installed Dir>Examples/Qt-5.4/quick/draganddrop.
For QQuickWidget approach, you can create 2 QML files depending upon the mentioned examples and load them in QQuickWidget. It should work with some minor changes. -
Thanks a lot that realy helped me!
It worked like a charm within QML but unfortunately I have been unable to do the same between two QQuickWidgets.
Any Ideas ?Thanks a lot,
Can you post the sample code that you created ? So that we can understand clearly.