How send me data json from QML in C++?
I tried make this so:
Rectangle {
signal sgSendJSON(var v)
function sendJSON() {
var v = {title: "text", text: "text"}
pView = new QQuickView;
QObject *pObject = pView->rootObject();connect(pObject, SIGNAL(sgSendJSON(QVariant)), this, SLOT(SendJSON(QVariant)));
@But I failed(
Please describe what you mean by "failed". Did your application fail to compile? Did it compile but the rectangle failed to show up? Or ...?
Anyway, see "Connecting C++ Objects to QML Objects":
var v = {title: "text", text: "text"}
@I think this is not a JSON format as the key should be a string format i.e in "".
Its more like a map which you can convert to on C++ side
void SendJSON(QVariant v) {
qDebug() << v.toMap();
@ -
You can get the JavaScript object's property values like that:
void SendJSON(QVariant v) {
QString title = v.toMap().value("title").toString();
QString text = v.toMap().value("text").toString();