[CPP2QML Boxing/Wrapping]
Hello, I would like community opinions about the need of QML semi-automatic wrapping and to know if it's planned as future Qt internal roadmaps..
My basic idea was to use QT wrapping in order to do create and call method object at runtime as "cppintrospection":https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCUQFjAA&url=https://github.com/sat-metalab/cppintrospection&ei=eOS6VJWAIYrnUvHNgrAL&usg=AFQjCNGSxZPYiN_1jW_ODKA9ae1mCzFC_A&sig2=25yrpLDra-_pd65d1BBlDA&bvm=bv.83829542,d.d24...
But QML seamed quite promising in order to bring both wrapping and graphical boxingSo I develop some kind of preprecompiler (before moc so I called it pmoc) that read cpp headers and generates customisable QMLplugin code in order to handle:
-Nodal logic ( via config file:copy/paste+fx ambiguities leverage)
-Pointer life cycle ( via config file: handle smartpointer/normalpointer)
-Native object boxing (put native object in QT boxes)
-QML method wrapping (not finished..I'm doing it by hand for the moment)I tryied to explain a test case applying code generation to OpenSceneraph library on the website http://osg4noob.olympe.in but it's not very technically detailled....(and written in French)
Here's a video rush
http://youtu.be/yAYs5-lYj7kSo the purpose of the underlying tool is not restricted to osg but almost all cpp libraries (without twisted stuff...ex: I have some grammar problems parsing Bullet headers)
So Before you tell it "Yes, the interface is ugly" because osg is my testbench and I have lower level things to do like improve the generated code for ex...
Here's an external reference about something near to what i'm doing (https://www.qtdeveloperdays.com/2013/sites/default/files/presentation_pdf/QtDevDaysSFO-2013_WrappingCppForQml_final.pdf)