Cannot read complete data, bytes available != actual bytes read
Hello All,
I am a newbie to QT. I am developing an application that is using QTCPSocket.
I have created a signal for reading as below:
@and code to read data is:
void ABC::SocketDataReceived()
int nBytesAvaialble=m_pSocket->bytesAvailable();
LOGDEBUG(CM,"SocketDataReceived : bytes Available initialially = " << nBytesAvaialble);QString m_qstrNextMesssage; while (nBytesAvaialble > 0) { m_qstrNextMesssage.append(m_pSocket->read(nBytesAvaialble)); nBytesAvaialble = m_pSocket->bytesAvailable(); } if(m_qstrNextMesssage.length() <= 0 ) { LOGWARN(CM, "No data is read in this read API"); return; } LOGDEBUG(CM, "Bytes read = " << m_qstrNextMesssage.length()); LOGDEBUG(CM, m_qstrNextMesssage.toLatin1().data()); emit DataReceived(m_qstrNextMesssage); m_qstrNextMesssage.clear();
@But when I run this code, the log I am getting shows that available bytes are not equal to bytes read (I tried using read() and then readAll() APIs).
[01/16/2015 14:53:05:801] [15976] [DEBUG] [CM] SocketDataReceived : bytes Available initialially = 412
[01/16/2015 14:53:05:801] [15976] [DEBUG] [CM] Bytes read = 145Received data of length 145
[01/16/2015 14:53:06:274] [15976] [DEBUG] [CommunicationManager] SocketDataReceived : bytes Available initialially = 146
[01/16/2015 14:53:06:294] [15976] [DEBUG] [CommunicationManager] Bytes read = 145Received data of length 145
@So, in 1st read call bytes available = 412, actual bytes read = 145
in 2nd read call bytes available = 146, actual bytes read = 145So, where are 412-145 = 267 ? they should be available in next read call right ? So in next read should show bytes available as atleast 267.
What is causing the loss of data here ? Please help.
Kavita[Edited - Please use code tags "@@" - p3c0]
First of all, when placing code please use the @ before and @ after the snippets. Then the forum will display them as if real code.
The we might be able to support you. -
i don't know which data you are receiving on the socket, but count the read bytes directly and not from the string. Try this:
qint64 nBytesAvaialble=m_pSocket->bytesAvailable(); //<-- not using qint64 may cause possible loss of int-data here
QByteArray readData = m_pSocket->read(nBytesAvaialble); // or use readAll()
qint64 readBytes = readData.size();