QTextEdit not Expanding
In Windows 7 64bit, using QtCreator 3.0.1 with Qt 5.2.1 I have a MainWindow with nothing inside but a QTextEdit widget, I am using a Grid Layout. When I test the window with the preview function (Alt+Shift-R) the text widget expands and shrinks with the MainWindow as it should, but when I run the app, the same text widget expands no more than a certain size while the MainWindow keeps expanding. I tried sizePolicies (Preferred,Preferred) and (Expanding, Expending) but they don't make a difference. There is no code that manipulates size policies or window sizes in the app.
What could i be doing wrong or missing, any help is appreciated.
It is not possible to fin out what's wrong without seeing any code/ui but make sure that the maximum width/height of QTextEdit is not set to values less that than your screen's width/height.
If you can, create a sample project that reproduces your issue and upload it somewhere so that people here can take a look.