QTableView Multiple Editing Cell
Dear All:
I am trying to create a QTableView where I use a Costumer model and all that is working perfect. Nonetheless I have an small problem. I would like to be able to edit multiple cell at the same time. This mean that if for example I have a Table of 3 x 3 and I select two elements of column 2 and I change one of this values then I change all of the selected one.
I think I have a way to do this by listen the dataChanged slot but I have a problem here. As soon as I have double click one of the cell to be able to change it I loose the selection. So the question is how I can do to be able to double click in a cell without loosing the selections?
All the best
Ernesto -
Hi Andre:
Thanks is exactly my problem how I can make the difference between the single click and the double click. It look like that when I double click Qt call the single click in any case and thus why the selection is gone. Any suggestions?
All the best
Ernesto -
The only thing I can think of, is using the time difference between the select action and the double click to determine if it a real selection or the start of an exit action. If the selection is followed by an edit action in the timespace of the double-click interval, I think you should revert to the selection you had before the sequence started.