In QtWebKit, we could use:
webView()->page()->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true);
to enable the debugging/developer tools. Is there any such think with WebEngine? Any other method to route Javascript console messages to Qt Creator? We have an app that works fine in Chrome and fails badly in WebEngine. I have no clue how to debug it without access to the javascript console. -
Looking at the source "here":, it seems that it is still an experimental feature which means it will not be available currently in WebEngineView.
To try out those features you can try importing experimental module
import QtWebEngine.experimental 1.0
@but note that these are still under development and the behavior may be erratic.
To follow this development you can ask the question on "Interest Mailing List":, you might get an answer directly from the Qt developers. You will need to subscribe to the list first.