[SOLVED] "Width" property = 0 in onCompleted handler
What i'm trying to achieve is to dynamically populate Column with the following:
Column {
property string _text
property int _widthText { id: note text: _text width: parent.width //width: _width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap // <====== } Text { id: text1 ... } Component.onCompleted: console.log("width = " + width + " _width = " + _width)
And i need text's wrapMode:Text.WordWrap. Documentatios says if one wants text to be wrappable it's width must be set explicitly.
In C++ code i set @view.setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView);
@And the main.qml:
@ Rectangle {
id: main_rec
height:rec.height//width: 400; <======= color: "indianred" Rectangle { id : rec width: parent.width height:col.height x: parent.x y: parent.y border.color: "black" border.width: 3 radius: 5 color: "lightgreen" Component.onCompleted: console.log("rec:width = " + width, "implicitWidth = " + implicitWidth) Column { x: rec.x y: rec.y id: col Child { _width: rec.width; idx: 3; _text: "2 12345678910 1112131415 46574839457857" } // <==== STATIC, "width" is fine function populate_col() { var component = Qt.createComponent("Child.qml"); if (component.status == Component.Ready) { for(var i=0; i<3; i++){ console.log("###createComponent #" + i) component.createObject(col, {"width": rec.width, "_width": rec.width, "_text" : i + " Very very very very looooooooong text"}) // <====== "width" = 0 } } if (component.status == Component.Error) { console.log("###Error creating component: " + component.errorString()) } } Component.onCompleted: populate_col() } } }@
The problem is when i don't explicitly set root's item width and create component dynamically and pass "width" property to Text it is equal 0.
But when i create it statically "width" has correct value.I think i missing some basics.
Could you point me where i'm wrong?Thanx
the problem is onComplete is more like a init finished slot and doesn't indicates if the element is complete rendered. Take a look at "this":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qml-component.html#onCompleted-signal. I have the same problem often but doesn't find an event or anything else that emit if the element rendering / dimension calculating is finished. What i do is to use the property changing in your case onWidthChanged.
Thank you sir, that helped!
But than followed another problem:
When i change from portrait to landscape mode i cannot destroy object in onWidthChanged handler in a right way. It seems that object is actually destroyed but it's still visiable. I have a link in this object and after object is destroyed link is still visiable and associated OnLinkActivated handler says TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of undefined.
Day of googling gave me nothing.
Thanx again!
Sorry but I have no clue what your program did and why u need to destroy objects when u switch from portrait to landscape mode. Please add [SOLVED] to the thread title because the main thread problem is solved i think?
Hmmm, i would say that the painting is always done when the handler react and if you destroy an object u need to force redrawing. I have no idea how u can force redrawing in qml.