Is it possible to move a Pathview given a point (x, y) in qml via javascript?
Hi all. I'm trying to figure out a way to make my PathView move as if it were dragged by a mouse (that is clicking on it and dragging it).
My problem is that I need to do this from an external device (a sort of touch pad) that sends me the touch coordinates (x,y).
What I want to achieve is a fluid movement of the PathView without working directly on the indexes which would not let me achieve the fluidity i need.
Any ideas? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You can use MouseArea with drag properties:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2ApplicationWindow {
id: rootApp
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: truemenuBar: MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("&File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Open") onTriggered:"Open action triggered")); } MenuItem { text: qsTr("E&xit") onTriggered: Qt.quit(); } } } Rectangle { id: container width: 240; height: 200 ListModel { id: contactModel ListElement { name: "Bill Jones" icon: "pics/qtlogo.png" } ListElement { name: "Jane Doe" icon: "pics/qtlogo.png" } ListElement { name: "John Smith" icon: "pics/qtlogo.png" } } Component { id: delegate Column { id: wrapper Image { anchors.horizontalCenter: nameText.horizontalCenter width: 64; height: 64 source: icon } Text { id: nameText text: name font.pointSize: 16 color: wrapper.PathView.isCurrentItem ? "red" : "black" } } } PathView { id: pathViewItem anchors.fill: parent model: contactModel delegate: delegate path: Path { startX: 120; startY: 100 PathQuad { x: 120; y: 25; controlX: 260; controlY: 75 } PathQuad { x: 120; y: 100; controlX: -20; controlY: 75 } } focus: true Keys.onLeftPressed: decrementCurrentIndex() Keys.onRightPressed: incrementCurrentIndex() } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent container drag.axis: Drag.XAxis | Drag.YAxis drag.minimumX: 0 drag.maximumX: rootApp.width } }
@or if you need to use custom coordinates you can change property x and y of container element (from my example) with JS like:
container.x = point.x;
container.y = point.y;
@I hope that I have correctly understood your question.
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I looked at your code and no, it's not the effect i needed.
What i needed was the rotation of the path view as if it were the mouse dragging it. I tried to obtain this effect by injecting the mouse movement into my application via c++ but it didn't give me the right feel so i went for a repeater item.
I set the repeater to follow the arc i needed and acted upon its angle, thus obtaining the desired effect.
Thankyou for your time