[SOLVED] qmake: How to define 2 conditions for the same instruction
I am trying to define 2 conditions for the same instruction in my project.pro file, but it doesn't work. I have tried this syntax approach:
unix {
contains(DEFINES, K_DEBUG) {
SUBDIRS += debug
@And this one:
contains(DEFINES, K_DEBUG) {
unix:SUBDIRS += debug
@But it is not working. If I try both conditions in separated blocks, then it works.
So, what I'm doing wrong? Is there a way to make it works?
Thanks for any hint or suggestion! :)
By the way, this is the content of my project.pro file:
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS += interfaceunix {
contains(DEFINES, K_DEBUG) {
SUBDIRS += debug
@ -
I still can't believe the way I got it to work. Look:
unix {
contains(DEFINES, K_DEBUG) {
SUBDIRS += debug
@All I had to do was to remove the indentation spaces and now it works perfectly. I can't believe the syntax analyzer of qmake is so inflexible :(
Problem solved... but... jesus! :S
Would you consider submitting a bug report for qmake on the "bug tracker":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG ?
Done! But the text editor of the bug tracker didn't help me to explain the problem, so I linked this thread.
Here is the ticket:
After running several tests, it seems this bug finally was related to another hidden bug:
Any way, thanks for your help! :)