How can I send a signal to an Item which is inside a Loader ?
AFAIK, you can do it in following ways:
- Using "Connect()":
- Using "Connections()":
An example :
Item {
id: item
width: 100
height: 150signal sendMessage(string msg) Loader { id: loader width: 100 height: 100 sourceComponent: comp Component.onCompleted: item.sendMessage.connect(loader.item.setText) //comment Component.onCompleted if using Connections and vice versa }
// Connections {
// target: item
// onSendMessage: {
// loader.item.setText(msg)
// }
// }Component { id: comp Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "red" function setText(msg) { mytext.text = msg } Text { id: mytext anchors.centerIn: parent } } } Button { text: "Click Me" y: 110 onClicked: item.sendMessage("Hello Qt") }