Invalid write to global property
Hi all! Could u help me with my little proble? I'm begginer in qt/qml. And I'd like to change some properties of qml component from anonter qml file, and I've decided to use JS like this:
@.pragma library
sc = String;
function setSc(ss) {
sc = ss;
}function getSc () {
return sc;
Try to use it:
@import "setInfo.js" as Scr
onClicked: Scr.setSc("#777777")
color: Scr.getSc()@
But it doesn't work
@qrc:/setInfo.js:8: ReferenceError: sc is not defined
qrc:/setInfo.js:4: Error: Invalid write to global property "sc"@
Can anyone help me? Will be grateful for u'r any solutions. -
Hi and Welcome to Qt DevNet.
Try declaring sc as var.
I think you forgot to add var keyword before your sc variable name:
var sc = String;
@ -
@var sc;
qrc:/Info.qml:6:12: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
qrc:/main.qml:52:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString@
And: @var sc = String;
qrc:/Info.qml:6:12: Unable to assign a function to a property of any type other than var.
qrc:/main.qml:52:19: Unable to assign a function to a property of any type other than var.@main.qml:52 @text: Scr.getSc()@
Info.qml:6 @color: Scr.getSc()@ -
That is because it is not able to understand what String object is.
Assingn some string instead,
var sc = "green";
@ -
It does write. Try this
onClicked: {
rect.color = Scr.getSc() //assuming rect is id of that element
@ -
bq. It seems, that setSc method does not work right.
You can try printing the value in setSc function to check if it works.
function setSc(ss) {
sc = ss