TextField within ListView
I have created a listview with a delegate that produces a textfield. The effect is a flickable column of multiple text fields. It seems that Qt repaints these text fields as they appear and disappear from the viewable area which makes the program run a bit sluggish. I've had to place a few hacks to get the value and save it to the corresponding model, which led me thinking that I am perhaps going about this the wrong way. I haven't seen any examples with a textfield inside of a listview, so maybe I should use a different delegate?
This is my model:
@ListModel {
id: myModel
ListElement {
name: "Speed"
units: "mm*100/s"
group: "conveyor"
mValue: "10"
mid: 0
....@and my delegate consist of a TextField with:
@ onValueChanged: {
// Save the input
if(inputText != ""){
myModel.set(mid, {"mValue": inputText});
console.log(mid + "==" + inputText)
}@I use "mid" to identify the index and the inputText then to save. I have it working alright, but I couldn't find a way to grab the current delegate index as wel.
Your delegates have access to a special property "index".
I refer to the link below for more explanation.https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5-snapshot/qtquick-modelviewsdata-modelview.html#models
But if you do something like, you can see it:
@ onValueChanged: {
console.log("index = " + index)
@Changing the value of the model can be done like so:
@onAccepted: {console.log("accepted"); myModel.set(index, {...})}@
Also ListView has a currentIndex and currentItem property if you need those.
Good luck!