Error: Tracer is not a type in Quick.Particles(solved)
Following the link below and i got compile error: Tracer is not a type
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0Rectangle {
id: root
width: 480; height: 160
color: "#1f1f1f"ParticleSystem { id: particleSystem } Emitter { id: emitter anchors.centerIn: parent width: 160; height: 80 system: particleSystem emitRate: 10 lifeSpan: 1000 lifeSpanVariation: 500 size: 16 endSize: 32 Tracer { color: 'green' } //Tracer is not a type } ImageParticle { source: "assets/particle.png" system: particleSystem }
Indeed, this type is no part of Qt. I suspect it is a custom element created for the purpose of that book - to show the parent item (notice the green rectangle in the picture).
Please search the book for more information about it. Most probably it is something simple like:
// Tracer.qml
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent