Header prototype mistake .. any help?
The header was as follows in class
@class MidiPlayer : public QThread
MidiPlayer(QMidiFile* file, QMidiOut* out)
{ midi_file = file; midi_out = out; }
how can i do it in the c file, i wrote it as follows but it has a prototype mistake
#include "midiclass.h"midiclass::midiclass(QThread *parent) :
any idea is appreciated ... thanks
Your class name is MidiPlayer, not midiclass. So you need to use that:
#include "midiclass.h"MidiPlayer ::MidiPlayer (QMidiFile* file, QMidiOut* out) :
@You are not passing any parent to the constructor, so you can't assign the parent of the QThread, too. You should correct that.
Thank you for your help...I changed the classname to midiclass. if i use the following, i get an error :-> redefinition of midiclass::midiclass
@class midiclass : public QThread
midiclass(QMidiFile* file, QMidiOut* out) { midi_file = file; midi_out = out; }
//MidiPlayer();void play();
QMidiEvent* midi_file_event; QMidiFile* midi_file; QMidiOut* midi_out;
@cpp file
midiclass::midiclass (QMidiFile* file, QMidiOut* out) :
@The following code is the code that works, but i want to make it in form of a header to be able to call it from other processes .. I don't know how can i call it from another process in the following format ..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <QThread>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QMidiOut.h>
#include <QMidiFile.h>class MidiPlayer : public QThread
MidiPlayer(QMidiFile* file, QMidiOut* out)
{ midi_file = file; midi_out = out; }
//MidiPlayer();void play();
QMidiEvent* midi_file_event;
QMidiFile* midi_file;
QMidiOut* midi_out;protected:
void run()
QElapsedTimer t;
QList<QMidiEvent*>* events = midi_file->events();
for(int i = 0; i < events->count(); i++)
midi_file_event = events->at(i);
if (midi_file_event->type() != QMidiEvent::Meta)
qint64 event_time = midi_file->timeFromTick(midi_file_event->tick()) * 1000;qint32 waitTime = event_time - t.elapsed(); if(waitTime > 0) { msleep(waitTime); } handleEvent(); } } midi_out->disconnect(); }
private slots:
void handleEvent()
if (midi_file_event->type() == QMidiEvent::SysEx)
{ // TODO: sysex
qint32 message = midi_file_event->message();
};void MidiPlayer::play()
QString filename = "D:/Activate Software/typing tutor MAC/login/Release/Win/bg.mid";
QString midiOutName = "";
QMidiFile* midi_file = new QMidiFile();
midi_file->load(filename);QMidiOut* midi_out = new QMidiOut(); midi_out->connect(midiOutName); MidiPlayer* p = new MidiPlayer(midi_file,midi_out); p->start();
#include "playsmf.moc"@
You get the redefinition error, because you have defined the constructor of your class twice:
in the header file (the stuff between '{' and '}')
in the source file (midiclass::midiclass)
You need only one definition of a constructor - either in the header, or in the source file.
does this mean i have to write it this way
midiclass::midiclass () :
@ -
could you please correct me the code mistake because i can not do it and i gave up ..