[SOLVED]Qt Creator 2D Array not saving values at right spot
Hello Forum :)
I have a little problem with Qt Creator, now I hope I'm simply over seeing something.
I am writing to a 2D array with a for loop to [i,0], so all first spots get filled with 0-size.
now in NetBeans this is no problem at all, but for some reason in Qt Creator, it always saves one spot further, I even tried using a const int zero = 0, but no budge. it saves the 1 at [1,1] the 2 at [2,2] and so on.. I have these two pictures with the coding plus the debugger showing the array.!http://i57.tinypic.com/281061.png(QtCreator)!
@Matrix[0][0] = 0;
const int zero = 0;
for(i = 1; i < lengthA + 1; i++)
Matrix[i][zero] = i;
for(j = 1; j < lengthB + 1; j++)
Matrix[zero][j] = j;@the funny/confusing part is, that the 2nd for loop works and saves it in the right place :?
Thanks for any help in advance :)