Overlaying elements in a ListView
Hi there,
I'm trying to overlay some elements onto a ListView but it seems that I cannot have them be overlaid relative to the ListView's contents, but the ListView itself. Here is the code:
@import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Window {
width: 300 height: 600 visible: true ScrollView { id: scroll clip: true anchors.fill: parent ListView { id: view model: 100 // I want this rectangle to "hover" over the fifth and // sixth items below. This works, but when I scroll, it // stays in the same position Rectangle { width: view.width onYChanged: console.log(y) y: 5*30+20 // 1/2 in 5th item, 2/3 in 6 (just example) height: 30 color: "blue" } delegate: Rectangle { height: 30 width: view.width border.color: "black" } } }
@Here is the demo of the incorrect behaviour. What I'd like to have happen is the blue rectangle remain fixed over the fifth and sixth items in the ListView. Is there a way to make this happen?
!https://i.imgur.com/PAM6R1d.gif(incorrect behaviour)!
I think I have a fix (code):
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Window {
width: 300 height: 600 visible: true Component { id: rect Rectangle { width: view.width height: 30 color: "blue" y: 20*30+15 z: 2 } } ScrollView { id: scroll clip: true anchors.fill: parent ListView { id: view model: 100 Component.onCompleted: { rect.createObject(view.contentItem) } delegate: Rectangle { height: 30 width: view.width border.color: "black" Label { text: index z: 3 } } } }