Getting ASSERT: "casted->type == SInt32Type" when bitwise ORing with 0 in Javascript
Using the new Qt 5.4. This issue did not happen in Qt 5.3.2.
I have Javascript code that retrieves the integer part of a floating point by bitwise ORing with 0. I use QJSEngine to evaluate the code. When running a Debug build, I'm getting this assertion:
"ASSERT: "casted->type == SInt32Type" in file compiler\qv4ssa.cpp, line 4065"Example code:
QJSEngine engine;
QString jsCode = "var n = 0.1; var test = (n*255) | 0;";
QJSValue result = engine.evaluate( jsCode );
@I've noticed two things:
- This assertion only happens when there is a variable or function call involved. That is, the assertion does not happen if the operation is only with constants like: var test = (0.1 * 255) | 0;
- This assertion also only happens when ORing with 0. If I change code to OR with 1, assertion does not occur.
Is this a bug?
Created bug for this: