QUdpSocket direct connection
Hi All,
If I connect my device via a router, it works perfectly.
If I connect directly to the computer, I get a IP address it won't work.
If I connect directly to the computer and manually change my IP address to 192.168.1.xxx, it works!!!
If I connect directly to the computer and manually change my IP address to, it doesnt work.In ALL cases, if I look with Wireshark, it always work. I cannot event send a datagram with Wireshark does see my datagrams being send out.
What is happening?
It is not a QUdpSocket issue.
It is basic networking question.169.254.x.x is a link-local address range.
A device gets an address from this range if there is no any address assignment made by admin or by dhcp.
When you enter address manually the device gets only default route and 169.254.x.x is not part of default route.
If you need to route 169.254.x.x then you need to create a route manually. How to do it depends on OS.
on Linux for example
route add -net netmask dev eth0 metric 99
@ -
ok! I understand.
Do you have a CMD example for windows laying around?
[quote author="andreyc" date="1418321135"]It is not a QUdpSocket issue.
It is basic networking question.169.254.x.x is a link-local address range.
A device gets an address from this range if there is no any address assignment made by admin or by dhcp.
When you enter address manually the device gets only default route and 169.254.x.x is not part of default route.
If you need to route 169.254.x.x then you need to create a route manually. How to do it depends on OS.
on Linux for example
route add -net netmask dev eth0 metric 99
@[/quote] -
I guess you need to use interface instead of router ip
Take a look "here":http://windowsitpro.com/networking/q-when-i-add-static-ip-route-what-value-do-i-use-interface