Get QPixmap from Image Item in C++
Dear all,
I want to pass an Image item to a C++ method and from that retrieve as QPixmap the image displayed. Is it possibile ?
In pseudo-code, what I want to achieve is:
in QML:
Image {
id: image
// can be remote url, qrc or local file
source: "path/to/image"
}MouseArea {
onClicked: CppObject.postImage( image )
and in the C++ implementation of postImage:
void CppObject::postImage( QQuickItem* image ) {
QPixmap pix = image->howToRetrieveTheImageAsQPixmap();
Gianluca. -
See the "QPixmap documentation":
[quote author="JKSH" date="1418255486"]Hi,
See the "QPixmap documentation":[/quote]
I read the documentation ... but the method you point it's not useful for me. I need to get a QPixmap from a Image (not QImage). Image item is a Qt Quick 2 component. It's different from QImage.
[quote author="Gianluca" date="1418282896"]I read the documentation ... but the method you point it's not useful for me. I need to get a QPixmap from a Image (not QImage). Image item is a Qt Quick 2 component. It's different from QImage.[/quote]My apologies! I misread your post and thought you wanted to use QImage.
I don't know of a way to extract the data from a QML Image object. The closest I can think of is QQuickView::grabWindow(), but that grabs everything visible, not just the image.
If you don't get any answers here, try asking at the "Interest mailing list": -- Qt engineers are active there (you'll need to subscribe first)
grabWindow() is quite clumsy, and while at this time there is no way to get a QPixmap from a QML Image, the other way around is possible - you can have a QPixmap inside a QML component which you can modify in C++ and display in QML using a custom image provider.
Check this out:
[quote author="utcenter" date="1418322791"]
Check this out:[/quote]I cannot use that method because I'm writing a library, so the functionality that I need will be used by the users of the library not by myself.
I think that for now the only possible solution is to pass the value of source property instead of passing the whole Item.
But in this case the question change in:
How can I create a QPixmap from "image://" and "qrc://" url schemas from C++ ? -
bq. I cannot use that method because I’m writing a library, so the functionality that I need will be used by the users of the library not by myself.
You probably can put it into the library, i.e. the plugin, with:
@void QQmlExtensionPlugin::initializeEngine(QQmlEngine * engine, const char * uri)@
Just register the image provider with the engine in that function.
There is nothing preventing you from creating a pixmap from a file in qrc, but it would be quite limiting only being able to use images packed in the resource file.