Traversing like DOM
First sorry for my english... i'm french and not very good in english.
I start learning QML and have a simple question :Imagine a code like this :
@import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.1Window {
id: mywindowRectangle{ id: rect2 x: 0 y: 0 } Rectangle{ id: rect1 x: 10 y: 10 } Rectangle{ id: rect3 x: 20 y: 20 }
@What i want, is make a function in qml (no c++ via qt) to traverse my window and get all the elements rectangle to get theire x and y positions.
Is it possible ?
Welcome to Qt Devnet.
You can use "data": property to get list of visual childrens and then iterate over the list. Put this logic in a function and call it on Component.onCompleted. Something like
function getChilds() {
for(var a=0;a<;a++){
@will print all x coordinates of the visual items.
P.S: Your english perfect and completely understandable :)
Hi and thanks....
But now a small complement to my first question....
Is there a solution to retrieve all the elements of a type like this in js/jquery :
I understand the possibility with your answer but maybe there is a small hack to be more easy than scan everything just for extract an objectname (for example)
Well I'm not aware of any such inbuilt function but I guess that jquery should be doing the same internally.