How I can add debuger to new QT Creator 2.2 ???
Hello all.
I have some question. How I can add debuger to new QT Creator 2.2 ???
I downloaded QT SDK 1.1, then install QT Creator 2.2. But now in QT Creator 2.2 I must add debuger ? How I can do it ?Regards.
which debugger do you want to add?
You installed the full Qt SDK incl. mingw?If you add a qt version, you always have to specify some paths. Is this the thing you are looking for?
Can you please post a screenshot for where to add? -
Gerolf thanks for response.
Yes, I have installed QT SDK 1.1.
Now I will create screenshot and will add it. -
this message I see when click "Debug"
! when I click on "Settings" button, I see it: I must input in empty Debugger Path ? or I must do other things ?
If I'm correct you must add the path to gdb, which should be somewhere inside mingw.
So, you almost correctly give me info. When I read some debug info, I seen that I must add python debugger. By default the debugger contain in folder C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.1.81\pythongdb\gdb-i686-pc-mingw32.exe
Very Thanks Gerolf !!!
Unfortunately this clutch is still needed in the upcoming RC, too.
The SDK installer will do that for you once we have a final package of Qt Creator 2.2.
Thanks Tobias Hunger
my post