[solved]segfault: QTableWidgetItem->setText
I've read that segfaults are usually caused by trying to use inaccessible memory. So, if I'm getting a segfault from trying to manipulate a table widget item, it's probably because the item I'm trying to access doesn't exist.
I'm using a qtablewidget with one row to simulate a Turing machine's input tape.
void MainWindow::goForth()
{//code that isn't part of the problem
//I fetch the widget's current cell to get the symbol that's in itmove=shifts.indexOf(triplet.at(2)) - 1; //this decideswether I'll move on the "tape" left, right, or not at all. index=ui->tableWidget_2->currentIndex(); tapeCell=index.column(); tapeCell+=move; //this helps me get the index of the next cell I should move to if(tapeCell > ui->tableWidget_2->columnCount()) //this is the problematic one { ui->tableWidget_2->insertColumn(ui->tableWidget_2->columnCount()-1); QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem(); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QFont *font = new QFont(); font->setPointSize(30); //if I should move to a cell that's beyond the right edge of the tape, item->setFont(*font); //I oughtta create more tape, and that's what I'm trying to do here. item->setText(triplet.at(1)); //insert a column, put a new item there and set it. ui->tableWidget_2->setItem(0, tapeCell, item); ui->tableWidget_2->setCurrentCell(0, tapeCell); }else if(tapeCell<0) { ui->tableWidget_2->insertColumn(0); QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem(); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QFont *font = new QFont(); font->setPointSize(30); //now, with this, I don't have a problem. It's exactly the item->setFont(*font); //same as the problem code, except here I'm setting the item->setText(triplet.at(1)); // cell using 0, not an int variable. ui->tableWidget_2->setItem(0, 0, item); ui->tableWidget_2->item(0, 0)->setText(triplet.at(1)); ui->tableWidget_2->setCurrentCell(0,0); }else { ui->tableWidget_2->item(0, tapeCell)->setText(triplet.at(1)); //when it throws the segfault, this line is ui->tableWidget_2->setCurrentCell(0, tapeCell); //where it points me to, even though this line shouldn't
} //be executed because tapeCell is greater than columncount
stepCount++; quintuplet=QString("%1. takt: %2, %3 --> %4").arg(stepCount).arg(cState).arg(cSymbol).arg(triplet.join(", ")); ui->listWidget->addItem(quintuplet); } }
@I checked the brackets, they're all fine, the if clause is how it should be, I'm setting items left and right... what's wrong?
EDIT: nevermind, figured it out after a nap XD I messed up the setting of the current index that occurs whenever I'm near the edge of the tape.