Installation problems for windows qt5.3
I am trying to install qt5.3 for windows using the mingw compiler and have tried both the on-line and 'off-line' installation downloads. Both have given the same string of errors:
The first of these errors, in a standard windows message box, is:
Error during installation process qt53.doc
Error while extracting 'installer://qt.53.doc/5.3.2-0qt5_docs.7z' Could not open.
file:( No name specified)The second is:
Error during installation process (
Error while extracting 'installer://':could not open file
(no file name specified)This could be a clue as I did not want the 'Visual Studio' option.
There then follows about another five errors - all appearing in message boxes - all similar 'Error while extracting. Some are documets [.doc] and some are executables but still ending in the .7z extention.
I would post a screen shot here but could not get it to render properly on the forum.
The installation eventually hangs.
I am using Windows 7.
John T.
[quote author="UKall" date="1416384654"]7Z is a compression format. It can be opened with 'seven zip', but not with zip or tar programs. There is a free 7-Zip program by Igor Pavlov, see
The files should be in the path where you install the package (c:/qt/....)
I suppose they are temporary during setup process as I dont see them after installation here.Have you also checked wether your download might be corrupted?
Interesting 7zip site and software. Now:
Would you believe it: on the third time that I tried to install 5.3 all worked successfully. No Errors during install and my projects build. I did notice a windows update take place at some point so maybe that helped.
Thanks for everyone for taking the time to look into this.
I am not sure I want to mark the thread as solved yet as the problem has really just 'gone away' rather than being 'solved'.