QAbstractListModel resetModel lags
I use QAbstractListModel with my ListView. The delegate of the ListView consist of 19 Rectangles with Text. When I reset the model, it takes about 300ms to recreate 1 delegate item. If there are 20-30 items in the new model data, it takes 5-6 sec. If I reset the model 2-3 times, it crashes with an error at this line:
Is there a faster way to update a ListView content and how can I fix this crash problem?
Here is my minimized code:
@QVariant TargetsModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const {
return QVariant(0); //does not matter
void TargetsModel::setModel(int ship, TableData &model)
m_data.replace(model); //Just replace old vector
@ListView delegate:
Column {
id: column
property double firstblockwidth: Math.round(column.width/17*7)
width: parent.width
spacing: 0Row { z: 20 spacing: 0 CustomNumberField { width: Math.round(column.firstblockwidth/3) value: complexnum } CustomNumberField { width: Math.round(column.firstblockwidth/3*2)-x value: mcnum } CustomNumberField { width: Math.round(column.width/17*10.5)-x value: vip } CustomNumberField { width: Math.round(column.width/17*13)-x value: bearing } CustomNumberField { width: Math.round(column.width)-x value: distance/1000.0 } }
Rectangle {
id: numberfield
property alias font: textfield.font
property var value: 0
property real minimumValue: 0
property real maximumValue: 0
property real decimals: 2property string background: "#2f2f2f" property bool edited: false width: 25 height: 25 color: "#2f2f2f" border.width: 1 border.color: "#6d6d6d" Text { id: textfield font.pointSize: 10 anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 2 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter text: numberfield.value color: "white" }
@Due to the non-standard shape of the delegate I can't use TableView (2 rows with different number of items)