Simple javascript [SOLVED]
I'm new, so first let me apologise for asking what must seem like a very simple question.
If I have a qml file like :
Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 200
color :"blue"
Text {
id : whatever
text: "?"
color : "white"
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
}and then use it in javascript to create a component and when it's ready, create an object, I can reference the rectangle using the object returned. But how, in javascript, do I play with the values in the Text part, eg, the text string itself, text colour, etc.
I can't find a simple example in the javascript documentation that does this - javascript within the documentation appears to be a second class citizen. But most likely I'm missing something !
You can do it in 2 ways:
- Declare a property in Rectangle and then bind it to the text property of Text element
Rectangle {
property string sampleText
Text {
id : whatever
text: sampleText
And then when you create it, access that property with the returned object.
var obj = comp.createObject(parent)
obj.sampleText = "SomeText"
@- Use the children property
obj.children[0].text = "SomeText"
If there are many such items you will need to iterate over them to find the exact one using objectName.
- Declare a property in Rectangle and then bind it to the text property of Text element
You're Welcome :)
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Happy Coding..
Since the question is related to QtQuick/QML and Javascript, the proper place is Forums > Qt Development > Qt Quick.
The post has been already moved here now.