Control qml ListView from C++
Hi there,
I have two qml files from a designer (not me, I am not firm with qml). The loaded qml file is called main.qml the other mylistview.qml.
@import QtQuick 1.1
Item {
id: root
anchors.fill: parentItem { id: mainViewArea anchors.fill: parent Background { id: background } ListView { id: listView@
As you can think, the main.cpp loads the main.qml which includes the mylistview.qml that finally shows a ListView vertical. No Problem here.
I use the following C++ code to load the QML. I cannot use QtQuick2 because no OpenGL on my embedded system:@QDeclarativeView view;
view.setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/main.qml")));@I want to call the "incrementCurrentIndex" funktion of my listbox, but how?
Can I search subfunktions with this:@// get root object
QObject *rootObject = dynamic_cast<QObject *>(view.rootObject());
rootObject->findChild<QObject *>("listView"), // QML item
"incrementCurrentIndex" // name of the method to call
// without parameters??
);@How do I call this in C++ after Invoke? Will the invoke find the mylistview.qml file? Do it find the increment function of a qml object?
First, to use findChild you need set your component's property "componentName" and use this name to find, like this:
QML File:
@ import QtQuick 1.1Item { id: root anchors.fill: parent Item { id: mainViewArea anchors.fill: parent Background { id: background } ListView { objectName: "listView" id: listView
CPP file:
@ // get root object
QObject *rootObject = dynamic_cast<QObject *>(view.rootObject());
QObject *listViewObject = rootObject->findChild<QObject *>("listView");
@Second, to call the function, if it needs parameter you need send it, because if you dont send it will raise a error telling no function was found. However, "incrementCurrentIndex" function doesn't need any parameter, so you don't need send parameters. Therefore you can call the way you were doing.
listViewObject, // QML item
"incrementCurrentIndex" // name of the method to call
@Also you can set the currentIndex property like this:
@listViewObject.setProperty("currentIndex", 1);@