Bug in Creator 2.2 (When 2 version of qt)
I have up to 3 different versions of Qt installed. It's easier to use qt.conf. Put the qt.conf in the same directory of your binary and set the desired Qt env in the qt.conf, see "here":http://doc.trolltech.com/4.7/qt-conf.html .
Scylla: That is completely unnecessary, at least for qmake based projects.
Setting PATH in windows or LD_LIBRARY_PATH anywhere else should suffice.
Qt needs to be picked up by the linker and that does not care about qt.conf in any way. Using qt.conf might help you if the wrong plugins to Qt are picked up, but Qt usually is smart enough to find its own plugins:-)
jeanrl: Sorry, you do not provide enough information for me to actually help.
What Qt versions are those? Are the Qt versions set up properly? What is the error message? What are you actually doing?
Ok, in first time thanks very mouch for your attentation :)
To make sure I uninstalled and installed again with the only difference that before when I was giving problem, I installed as root and hence the /opt directory, now installed as normal user, and consequently in the directory /home and "voula" not happened more problem.
I will test more, if appear more problems I report here, again thanks for all by your attention.
Hugs. -
jeanrl: Please do not report here but open bug reports in the "bug tracker":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/. Developers stumble over issues reported here by chance only!