[SOLVED]how to traverse QMap as this QMap< QString, QMap< QString,QStringList > >?
Hi,all.I'm faced a problem that traverse an QMap like this QMap< QString, QMap< QString,QStringList > >,but I failed.Can someone give me an advice?
and welcome to Qt devnet.You can do it in either way.
Qt provides two ways : Java-style iterator and STL-style iterator1 .Java-style iterator
QMap< QString, QMap< QString,QStringList > > map1;
QMap< QString,QStringList > map2,temp;QMapIterator<QString, QMap< QString,QStringList > > i1(map1);
while (i1.hasNext())
qDebug() <<"@"<< i1.key() << ": " << i1.value() << endl;temp = i1.value();
QMapIterator<QString, QStringList> i2(temp);
while (i2.hasNext())
qDebug()<<"@@" <<i2.key() << ": " << i2.value() << endl;
QStringList strListTemp=i2.value();
foreach(QString str,strListTemp)
qDebug()<<"list :"<<str;
2.STL-style iterator
QMap< QString, QMap< QString,QStringList > >::const_iterator i1 = map1.constBegin();
while (i1 != map1.constEnd())
qDebug() << i1.key() << ": " << i1.value() << endl;
temp = i1.value();QMap< QString,QStringList > ::const_iterator i2 = temp.constBegin();
while (i2 != temp.constEnd())
qDebug() << i2.key() << ": " << i2.value() << endl;
QStringList strListTemp=i2.value();
foreach(QString str,strListTemp)
qDebug()<<"list :"<<str;
@Hope this helps.
Thanks a lots! And how can i insert an item to the QStringList in the map?
Thanks again for reply.i'm a newbiee and faced this problem for long time. with your help,i resolved this problem finally.before that,i used your code with error.