3DF Zephyr Pro Qt showcase
I'm proud to present you 3DF Zephyr Pro!
From our website
"3DF Zephyr Pro allows you to automatically reconstruct 3D models from photos. The process is completely automatic and no coded targets, manual editing or special equipments are needed. 3DF Zephyr is built on top of our proprietary, cutting-edge, reconstruction technology. 3DF Zephyr Pro comes with a user friendly interface, and the possibility to export in many common 3D formats or even to generate lossless video without the need of external tools. 3DF Zephyr Pro is the perfect tool for modeling from reality."
We use Qt for all our GUI! (Other technologies we use are Ogre, CUDA, Eigen and FFMpeg)
feedback is welcome!
"brief presentation video (youtube)":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdtLtBt9dJY
"Screenshot - mesh reconstruction, cherub statue":http://www.3dflow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/3d_models_from_photos_with_3df_zephyr_001.jpg
"Screenshot - mesh reconstruction, vase (wireframe rendering)":http://www.3dflow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/3d_models_from_photos_with_3df_zephyr_002.jpg
"Screenshot - mesh reconstruction, Udine UAVs pictures, with in-editor measuring":http://www.3dflow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/3d_models_from_photos_with_3df_zephyr_003.jpg -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The product looks quite nice !
Thanks for sharing
On a side note, especially since you are doing multimedia related applications/frameworks, it's Qt, QT stands for Apple QuickTime