Flow + Repeater + Image = performance issue
Hello All!
I have a issue with performence, when try to load a lot of images using Repeater to the Flow,How it's looks like:
@Flow {
id: grid
Repeater {
id: iconHive
Image {
source: "qrc:///img/"+modelData+".png"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: imgSelected(modelData)
}@Currently i have around 800 items in the model, and all of them try to load in a start of app.
How i can load only displaying elements for example, or start load all of items in additional thread?
Tnx a lot 4 answers! -
Did you try using "asynchronous":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-image.html#asynchronous-prop property ?
2 p3c0
Yep, i try it, but issue is still exists. -
How about using a Timer with a low interval ? Then Create the Image component dynamically in the onTriggered handler and add to the Flow.
It's looks like a hack :)
i'd like to go to some easy way....
but tnx a lot 4 mind -
any else ideas?