IPad orientation changes in qml
Hi all,
I am developing an iPad application with QML. I would like to detect the change of orientation of the iPad,
so that I can do different things on Portrait and Landscape. Which is the best way?Until now I have a Rectangle item inside which I have used a sensor like this:
@Sensors.OrientationSensor {
id: sensoractive: true onReadingChanged: { if ( reading.orientation == Sensors.OrientationReading.TopUp ) { orientation = "Portrait"; } else if ( reading.orientation == Sensors.OrientationReading.LeftUp ) { orientation = "Landscape"; } }
however the sensor reading changes before the screen-content orientation is complete.
Is there a way to detect when orientation change is complete?Any help about the use of Screen.orientation?
Any help?
Cochleas -
Hmm, try out to handle change signals on width or height of your ApplicationWindow. I would think the orientation is finished if the width or height is changed.