All my shader uniforms are reporting back -1 on their openGL location.
I have the following code that prepares my openGL shaders:
@GPUShaderOGL::GPUShaderOGL(const QString &_name, BotSource *_bot, const ShaderProto& _shaderproto)
: GPUShader(_name, _bot, _shaderproto)
m_programOGL = new QOpenGLShaderProgram();
if( !m_programOGL->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Vertex, _bot->vsh().toStdString().c_str()))
qDebug() << _bot->vsh_linenumbers();
QString theLog = m_programOGL->log();
qDebug() << theLog;
qDebug() << "Failed to compile VERTEX program: " << m_name;
}QString fsh = _bot->fsh();
if(!m_programOGL->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Fragment, fsh.toStdString().c_str())) {
qDebug() << _bot->fsh_linenumbers();
qDebug() << m_programOGL->log();
qDebug() << "Failed to compile FRAGMENT program:" << m_name;
}if( !m_programOGL->link() )
qDebug() << m_programOGL->log();
qDebug() << "Failed to link program:" << m_name;
if( m_uniform ) {
Uniform::UniformArray& uniforms = m_uniform->uniformlist();
for( Uniform::UniformArray::iterator it=uniforms.begin(); it!=uniforms.end(); ++it )
Uniform::UniformEntry& uni = *it;
uni.glLocation = m_programOGL->attributeLocation(;
qDebug() << << " location: " << uni.glLocation;
@When I run this, all my uniforms are reporting back -1 on their uniforms. What am I missing here?
maybe you should try to call "uniformLocation()": for uniform variables.
Doh! You're awesome! That fixed it. I've been staring at this for a hour.