Qmake (.pro) syntax question
First, you must build Qt 5 itself as a static library. When you configure Qt, add the "-static" flag.
Ah, I see. I don't know the answer then, sorry.
Try removing all qt related stuff with these:
@CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt@
However, by using the lib template and staticlib config it should get it done correctly. At least, it does for me. You may also want to try with CONFIG -= shared so to remove any option for building a shared library. -
Sometimes it might be useful to manually run qmake (from the menubar: Build > Run qmake).
Some changes in your .pro file might be overseen by qmake 8especially if they're made externally from Qt Creator), so the makefiles are not updated correctly. The clean step does not remove makefiles since it's qmake that handles them, so you may experience these little problems.