C++ object destructor is not invoked when QML item is destroyed
I have a subclass of QQuickItem that I use in a qml view. I've noticed that when I destroy the qml view, all qml-based children are destroyed but for c++ objects it's not a case. When I close the whole application, destructors for these objects are invoked. Is it possible to do something with that?
Thanks a lot,
Maksim -
Hmm, you can call delete for the objects in the destructor of your QQuickItem
Ricardo, frankly I didn't get that. I have a class lets say MyNiceChart that extends QQuickItem. I registerd this new type and use it in qml
Rectangle {
id : somePanelMyNiceChart { } Rectangle { id : antoherItem }
@So when I don't need somePanel anymore I destroy it : somePanel.destroy() and I noticed that
anotherItem will be destroyed as well during this operation but destructor of MyNiceChart is not invoked. Do you suggest to invoke MyNiceChart destructor manually? -
Take a look @ "this...":http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.qt.user/7508