Hi all,
I have a GUI Application which is developed in C++ and Tilcon GUI tool.
Tilcon will provide facility to design Ui pages and API to handle Ui file.For handling event: "TRT_GETINPUT(...)" will return a structure which will having information about event like
eventId, parent window, state of widget, time, text on object etc..Now we are planning to migrate above same GUI application into Qt, C++.
Is there any such function which can give information about event.I have studied signals and slot but i need better way of handling of event.
please suggest some solution.Thank you
Venkat -
You can have a look at "this":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/eventsandfilters.html chapter from the documentation which explains the event system used by Qt.
There's an equivalent chapter for QML
Thank you .. it is working.I am get event on window/ widget click but how to get event on button click or button state change or change item in combo box ...etc..
I dont want any event on window click .
I need event on mouse click on any widget like button , check box ..
and i need event info like event generate widget id, state ..etc..can you please help me.
Thank you
Venkat -
Then you should take a look at the eventFilter function. Do you really need that level of details ? If so, why ?
Thank you,
yes i need all info about event because the existing GUI application design is such a way that,
each events have some set of actions to excite based on some preconditions.Ex: Event ID = button1
precondition = "read text on button2
Action = if precondition oK then write text on button3.so all events, preconditions and Actions are configurable.
Each time will check event Id which is return from TRT_GETINPUT(..) with configuration events if both are matching then we check precondition and perform action.so that why i need a function which return event info.
AFAIK you can't match that pattern without creating e.g. your own events with these parameters. Or maybe a state machine.
Actually eventID and precondition and action is not pattren.
Actual Config format is
EventId = button1 //Object ID
ObjectID = button2 //object id for precondition
Attribut = text // read text on button2[Action]
precondition value = Hello //if text on button is hello
objectId = button3
action = 3 /
Argumet = hello /// set text "hello" on button 3 ; we have set of function 3 equivalent to set text. -
EventFilter is called for mouse button press on button object.
i have added installEventFilter in constructor.?
Can we need to include any .h or any thing in .pro file
my code is:In .h
bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
in .cpp
mainwindow :: mainwindow(....)
bool mainwindow::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
can you plz help me how work with event filter -
bool eventfilter(Qobject* , QEvent* );
is working if i create a project with base class of Qwidget but it is not working if i create project with base class of QMainWindow.Why this is any reason for it?
How can make it work for base class Qmainwindow.Thank you
Venkat -
QMainWindow is a way more complex widget (docks/central widget etc…) You may have to install your event filter on multiple widgets.
I have install event filter with function "button->installEventFilter(this)"i am try to install on button
i am installing event filter after setupUi(..);
i am not getting window after run the program.
i am getting message like "The program has unexpectedly finished"
and " c:\Qt_practice\mouse_event.exe existed with code -1073741819". -
What does a run through the debugger tells you ?