QScrollBar Stylesheet not working with Qt 5.3.1
I found a strange behavior of my styled scrollbar under Qt 5.3.1. It seems that the stylesheet for the QScrollBar is not working. It always shows the default windows-styled scrollbar. I also checked the example stylesheet for the QScrollBar from the Qt 5 documentation, no success!
All my other stylesheets are working with 5.3.1 its just the stylesheet for QScrollBars that don't work for me!If I compile the same code with Qt 5.2.1 everything works fine.
Is this a bug in Qt 5.3.1? Does anyone else have this problem?
Works ok for me. How (and on what) do you set your stylesheet?
I inherited from QTableView and then set the following stylesheet with setStyleSheet()
@QString QtExampleScrollBarStylesheet = "QScrollBar:horizontal {"
"border: 2px solid grey;"
"background: #32CC99;"
"height: 15px;"
"margin: 0px 20px 0 20px;"
"QScrollBar::handle:horizontal {"
"background: white;"
"min-width: 20px;"
"QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal {"
"border: 2px solid grey;"
"background: #32CC99;"
"width: 20px;"
"subcontrol-position: right;"
"subcontrol-origin: margin;"
"}""QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal {"
"border: 2px solid grey;"
"background: #32CC99;"
"width: 20px;"
"subcontrol-position: left;"
"subcontrol-origin: margin;"
"}""QScrollBar:vertical {"
"border: 2px solid grey;"
"background: #32CC99;"
"width: 15px;"
"margin: 22px 0 22px 0;"
"QScrollBar::handle:vertical {"
"background: white;"
"min-height: 20px;"
"QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {"
"border: 2px solid grey;"
"background: #32CC99;"
"height: 20px;"
"subcontrol-position: bottom;"
"subcontrol-origin: margin;"
"}""QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {" "border: 2px solid grey;" "background: #32CC99;" "height: 20px;" "subcontrol-position: top;" "subcontrol-origin: margin;" "}" "QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical {" "border: 2px solid grey;" "width: 3px;" "height: 3px;" "background: white;" "}" "QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical {" "background: none;" "}"
That works for me. Maybe you mixed some library files versions?
No, don't think so, just Qt 5.3.1 installed on the laptop, Qt 5.2.1 runs on my PC (both Win7). All other stylesheets are working only the QScrollBox doesn't.
I tested it on a linux machine, too, same result.
There is also no compile warning!
Can it somehow come from the compiler? I'm using msvc2012 on PC and on laptop and linux mingw? -
I've tested it with VS2013 and MinGW 4.8.2 on a Windows 8.1 machine. Both work ok. I don't see how compiler could matter.
Is it the same if you run a minimal example or is it just in your app? Try this
@QApplication a(argc, argv);
QScrollArea w;
w.setStyleSheet(" ... ");
return a.exec();@